Welcome back to our annual “26 Tips for 26.2 Miles” blog series. For the 26 days leading up to race day, athletes and spectators can get daily tips to make the most of OUR race. Stay tuned for tips on parking and food, cool viewing spots and race rules, and answers to all your pressing race day questions. We are here to help you make the most of your 2022 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon & ½ Marathon experience! Let’s go!
Race weekend is less than two weeks away! As athletes, volunteers, and spectators put final plans in place, we want to make sure you, your friends and your family have all the tools you need to stay informed on the go. Our race team has several different online options for staying connected, regardless of where you live, ensuring you can get live updates, see photos, ask questions, and get the most out of race weekend.
TWITTER: The race team will monitor and live-tweet from @CbusMarathon, posting race updates, answering questions, and chatting with athletes and spectators. You can also use and follow the #CbusMarathon hashtag to share your race-day experiences and join in the excitement.
FACEBOOK: We’ll be on our Facebook page throughout the race posting behind-the-scenes photos and important updates. Be sure to “like” us to get the scoop!
INSTAGRAM: Follow @CbusMarathon on race day for live photos and videos of scenes from around the course, from both the Columbus Marathon social team and the athletes themselves. Want to share your race day photos with us? Just include the #cbusmarathon hashtag to your pics (note: profiles must be public for the Columbus Marathon social team to see images shared with #CbusMarathon).
REAL TIME RACE TRACKING: Participants, family and friends can soon access Real-Time Race Tracking. Participants in the race can have reports on their progress automatically texted from five checkpoints (start, 4.3 miles, 13.1 miles, 20 miles and finish). Stay tuned for an official launch date and more information as we get closer to race weekend!
NOTE: If you register for our event after October 6, your information will be submitted to our RTRT team in the next batch transmission, no later than October 13. Should you register for the ½ Marathon at the Health & Fitness Expo, you may not be able to set up your Real-Time Race Tracking until Saturday evening. ALL participants, regardless of registration date, will have live tracking by race morning!
Have additional questions? Let us know in the comments below, or share with us on Facebook and Instagram, and we’ll be sure to get them answered!