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Friday, October 17 from noon to 7pm
Saturday, October 18 from 9am to 6pm

Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. High Street, Columbus, OH


All race numbers, participant shirts, and gear check bags need to picked up at the pre-race expo.  The expo takes place on Friday, October 17 from noon - 7 pm and on Saturday, October 18 from 9 am - 6 pm.  Location?  Hall D in The Greater Columbus Convention Center at 400 N. High Street, Columbus, OH. 

Expo parking is available in the nearby Goodale Garage: 70 E Goodale St, Columbus, OH




  • RACE NUMBERS WILL NOT BE MAILED:  We do not have access to our race numbers and event shirts until our expo opens on Friday.  All participants must visit the expo to obtain these items.

  • RACE DAY PACKET PICKUP FOR THE MARATHON OR 1/2 MARATHON IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO PAID THE $30 SERVICE FEE.  Race numbers will NOT be available for those participants who do not formally register for this service.

  • TAKING PART IN THE Jesse Owens 5K OR 1 MILE?  You can pick up your packet at the race expo on Friday OR pick up your 5k or 1 mile packet at the starting line on Saturday. 

  • NO ID = NO NUMBER:  Your race number will not be released to you without appropriate picture ID .

  • *ID is not required for participants aged 18 and younger.  




In order to pickup up someone else's packet for them, you'll need to provide a completed proxy form at packet pickup. Please note that there is a limit of two (2) proxy forms per person, not including your own packet.  


​Online proxy forms are available HERE.  The following information will be required:


  • Participant's name;

  • Proxy's name; and 

  • Participant's event


You will need a copy of this form, your own picture ID, and a copy of a picture ID for each person for whom you are picking up.  A clear photo of these documents on a phone or smart device is acceptable.


  • Upon arriving at the Expo, please visit the booth by registration marked "Picking Up for Others?  Start Here." 

  • Once both IDs are approved, the form will receive a stamp.  You will then proceed to packet pickup with the approved form.  You will not need to present your ID again.  


Please note:

  • If any of the information is missing on the form, it will not be approved; and

  • No person may pick up more than two (2) race numbers in addition to their own.


And a reminder:  While we allow "proxy" pickup as a service for our runners, only the registered runner may run the race with the bib.


WARNING REGARDING UNOFFICIAL TRANSFERS:  The unofficial sale or transfer of race numbers (i.e., a transfer not conducted through our registration system or explicitly approved by our Registration Coordinator) is not permitted.  Anyone wearing a race number is bound by the rules and any and all language of the registration waiver, regardless of whether the waiver was accepted by the person wearing the number.




You'll find the official Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon & 1/2 Marathon apparel, ASICS shoes, and more at the race expo on Friday and Saturday. 

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© 2025 Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon

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